Note: All prices in US Dollars
Torre All +
![Torre All + Torre All +](/bigsky/image.img?color=4e73af&text=333333&accent=bababa&compliment=ffffff&navigation=333333&heading=c50501&title=f97020&logo=4e73af&link=6b6b6b&picture.image.url=%2Ffiles%2F2102172%2FBlades%2F62220_TORRE.jpg&picture.width.max=258&picture.image.mask.apply=false&stage.width.max=647&cache=1608078823478) |
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A slightly different veneer combination provides better speed compared to the JOOLA TICKER ALL. The Swedish veneer has outstanding playing characteristics and despite better speed still allows a soft and sensitive ball response on the blade. As with JOOLA TICKER ALL we have used all our knowledge of the K-series in the grip design of JOOLA TORRE ALL+.